Jenkins Overflow

Preetam Meena
4 min readMar 30, 2023


Problems that I encountered in my DevOps journey.

Cook Book →

Groovy Guide →

1. How to time out Jenkins Pipeline stage and keep the pipeline running?

2. syntax error near unexpected token `(‘ in jenkinsfile

3. Find the value of key from JSON using curl | grep

4. how to use try{} catch{} finally{} in Jenkins pipeline

5. Don’t fail jenkins build if execute shell fails

6. How to catch curl response in Jenkins Pipeline?

7. Jenkins Pipeline — Change to Another Folder

8. Reading Strings from a file and putting them into an array with Groovy

9. Groovy: Determine type of an object

10. How to check if element in groovy array/hash/collection/list?

Use Case:

11. How do you declare and use a Set data structure in groovy?

12. Dynamically adding elements to ArrayList in Groovy

13. Restart Jenkins

14. Jenkins Team Integration

